In keeping with the unusual stage set-up, the evening took on a different dynamic too, with no support act but instead two intimate sets from Ford split by an interval. The old songs were as welcomingly familiar as a pair of comfy trousers. Of them, the vitriolic State of the Union was still as mind-blowing as ever, as Ford slowly and deliberately laid loop atop loop. Song For The Road was sweet, and there was even a surprise nod to his past, as he played a stripped-down version of old Easyworld favourite, Demons.
The two hour set was littered by new, unreleased tracks too and it was these, most notably the beautiful To Hell With The World, that stood out and certainly whetted the appetite for the release of some new material later this year.
give us 3 more months and no David Ford in Australia, and we will start the 'bring David Ford to Australia foundation'. Not not some stupid facebook group, but an actual fundraiser with raffle tickets. Yep I'm serious. A fundraising gig, raffle tickets, tshirts you name it. Just to get him on the plane so we can marvel at his wizardry.
That sounds like a genius idea.
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